What makes Phrasing different than other agencies?

Contrary to most agencies, we put the most talented members of our team on the frontlines of digital marketing, not in the background. When you meet with most digital marketing agencies, you’ll get to meet some very talented and amazing people during the pitch process. They truly GET IT and, if you were going to work with them, there’d be a lot more agencies out there doing great work. Unfortunately for clients, most clients never get to work with the A-Team that pitches them.

At Phrasing, we don’t hire junior members and we utilize the same great minds that pitch you prior to signing on your daily activities. The only handoffs that ever occur are between two senior members of the team who think that a different perspective could bring you even more success.

When it comes down to it, we don’t sell marketing services. That’s not what makes us different. We sell the minds of the people in this room and the time it takes them to make something unique and successful.

Tim Welsh – Founding Partner & President
phrasing gathered around laptop

We operate more like a collective.

In fact, our agency structure doesn’t have a hierarchy at all. Outside of reserving the right of the ‘Founder Card’ for Tim Welsh, we operate at the metaphorical Roundtable of Camelot. Every person on the team is qualified to work as a private consultant but enjoys the collaborative aspect of working as part of something bigger than themselves. Our team is more like a collective of talented consultants than it is a digital marketing agency. There isn’t a lot of search traffic related to how we work in practice though so, we’ll just call ourselves a top-tier digital marketing agency.

We keep it 💯 with our clients.

Another different thing is that we don’t have Account Services or Client Service teams. You talk directly to the people who are doing the work. That means we don’t have a filter between what’s going on and what we think you’d like to hear. Everybody says that honesty is the best policy but communication gets delayed so that different teams can ‘Punch Up’ whatever is really going on.

We have enough respect for our brand partners to tell them exactly what we see going on with the brands that they trust us to help grow.

We work as your Growth Partner.

As a team, we’re addicted to success. It’s one of the reasons that we banded together to form Phrasing. We understood that a single person can have a good idea but it takes a team to have a great one. When you combine the collective minds of our team with brand representatives who truly care about their brands, you can get something that is VERY hard to beat.

When you sign up to become a client of Phrasing, you’re signing up to be a true partner in the growth of your brand. We believe in our ability to grow our clients so much that we’re happy to offer performance-based options to those interested.

We thrive with Challenger Brands.

If you’re out here trying to slay dragons, we’re your armorer. We love working with challenger brands. The proverbial 800-lb gorillas lose their hunger for creativity and desire to try something new. That’s not an environment where we can shine. We appreciate partnering with brands who like do wonder “What if…?” are and ready for our evil plans to make that idea come to life.

If you have a great product that you believe in but feel bogged down by the bigger budgets of your competitors, give a call to the specialists here at Phrasing.

Phrasing team toasting to success

We’re going to keep killing the industry…figuratively.

The reason that we’re able to kick so much ass is simple: people. While most agencies keep their services affordable by putting your work off onto recent graduates or interns as quickly as possible, we do it by keeping lean. Our clients pay for our hours, not our fancy offices or executive golf packages. You get the best team members presented to you based on your needs every single time.

The status quo of how agencies have operated for decades has no authority here in Fort Kickass.

Who is our Founding Partner & President, Tim Welsh?

Verified geek. Always curious.

Tim Welsh of Phrasing with Ollie

As a verified geek and has-been athlete, Tim appreciates that everyone should have passions outside of the work that they do for a living. When he logs off, you can find Tim watching anime with his wife, playing competitive flag football, or plotting some sort of mischief with his daughter. He’s a big believer that a full life away from the computer is what brings out your best work when you log back in.

As an international speaker on digital marketing and branding, Tim enjoys helping to inspire conversation among his digital marketing peers. He’s worked with companies on developing the algorithms for measuring online influence, consulted large companies on software utility for digital marketers, and educated the marketers of tomorrow at universities as a guest lecturer. Tim has spoken at multiple events for companies like Hootsuite. As far as conferences, Tim has been a speaker at SMX West, SMX East, SMX Social Media Marketing, Maximum Occupancy, Texas Tourism College, and SMX London.